This is not our first report on medical kidnapping. In February, we reported on the kidnapping of Benjamin Gord in Truman’s Matrix and we have cited other reports about kids being taken from their parents. Well now it seems that the hospitals have colluded with CPS to take children from their parents if they don’t go along with their narrative.
Last month, beginning March 12, 2022, Baby Cyrus Anderson was medically kidnapped in Meridian, ID by St Luke’s Hospital. Marissa and Levi Anderson and their family has been going through some harrowing experiences since then. The adjudicatory hearing has been postponed twice now which gives CPS clearance to show up at any time for an ‘inspection’ or well check.
Although Cyrus is back with the family, Cyrus is still sick, they don’t have any answers and there are still threats from CPS to take Cyrus away permanently. You can keep up to date on this story here.
But kidnapping by CPS isn’t a new story. A book written by Child Protective Services Whistleblower, Carlos Morales titled Legally Kidnapped: the Case Against Child Protective Services was written in 2014.
Morales exposes the dangerous tactics and overt corruption that he witnessed as a CPS investigator. Through keen insight, analysis, war stories, and interviews with attorneys & judges, Carlos Morales speaks truth to power in this shocking book. Unlike anything ever published, he breaks down exactly what families should do to protect themselves from this monolithic agency that has destroyed the lives of children & parents. Parents across the country have already used his legal recommendations and saved not only thousands of dollars on lawyer fees, but also protected the future of their family. It is imperative that people understand Child Protective Services in order to save their families, and this book accomplishes that in a gripping and thought provoking manner.
Public response through protests and phone calls to the hospital led to Baby Cyrus’ release back to his parents, but now we have a new case.